Minecraft mcreator mods
Minecraft mcreator mods

To modify this mod with MCreator, either clone this repo or download the "MCreator" file from the GitHub releases or and import it using the "Import from file." button in MCreator. This mod can be modified using MCreator (or one of its forks) or by editing the source code directly. MCreator is a tool that enables people to easily create Forge mods for Minecraft. Installation instructions for Forge can be found online.

Minecraft mcreator mods install#

To install this mod, download the release from here or and put the jar file in the. In the meantime this is the mod prototype. I plan on making videos and guides related to that. There are some things in the mob's NBT data that can tweak how/if they will eat players.

minecraft mcreator mods

4 pieces of flesh can be crafted into a flesh block.When any animal dies, there is a chance it will drop a piece of flesh.The stomach acid is a hazard that can hurt the player.The player can exit the stomach by leaving the same way that anything else exits the digestive system.When a player is eaten, they are teleported to a seperate dimension where a stomach is created for that mob.The shrink gun that can be used to make mobs eat the player.Adds blocks and fluids for building stomachs.There are more features that I want to add. An item that players can use to make other players or mobs eat them.Ĭurrently, I consider this mod a prototype.

minecraft mcreator mods

And a separate dimension for building the insides. Such things are blocks like flesh and tongue and bodily fluids like stomach acid and blood. This mod adds items to the game that can be used for making vore creations.

Minecraft mcreator mods